
The flamingo lives in only specific places because of their diet. Each species have a special place they come from. They are…
  • The James Flamingo- high Andes in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina
  • The Chilean Flamingo- Chile and other parts of South America
  • Greater Flamingo- parts of America, South Europe, South and South-East Asia
  • Lesser Flamingo- Africa (mainly Great Rift Valley) and North West India.
  • Andean Flamingo- high Andes in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina
  • American Flamingo- Caribbean and Galapagos islands
Flamingos like warm, watery regions such as lakes, lagoons, mangrove swamps, mudflats, inland lakes, small islands, shallow cost and wetlands. They live in groups of 50-100 called flocks or colonies. Flamingos need to be in a place with lots of food so they can stay strong. They love to live in packs because they are a very social bird and they are protected.